Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Busy times

I've had a very busy week which has been great as it keeps me occupied! Filled with work, visiting Chris's family (seeing the new nephew Freddie who is very cute!) and getting signed up at the gym!

Yes I finally did it, I am now going to the gym in the mornings and have given myself 12 weeks to get as fit as I can. I plan to go every day during the week and the trainer said it's doable, so I have my work cut out!

My friend Pat is home from the hospital and is feeling better than ever I'm pleased to say. I hope that this was the last heart attack she will suffer and the fixed docs fixed her properly this time!

The weekend was fun. It was Chris's parents 40th wedding anniversary so we drove up to Hull to visit them. We had a lovely meal on the Saturday night and as I mentioned before we met Freddie for the first time. I took some photos of him which his mum and dad haven't seen yet, so here is a sneak preview!

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